Not an incredibly involved update, but I thought I'd direct your attention to a wonderful tumblr called Fuck Yeah Fanfic Flamingo. If you haven't already heard of it, it's basically a macro meme detailing many of the truths of fanfiction.
This one, uploaded today, hits particularly close to home. I am incredibly thankful for my readers, whether they're just passing by or faithfully watching my little corner of the internet for updates. Once upon a time I did reply to every single review I received, but now I only reply if I can say anything more than "thanks." It's not that I appreciate those reviews any less, nor even that I don't have time to reply. Sometimes people preface their comments with "I bet you won't even read this." I get an email notification for all my reviews, and I certainly do read it! It's not about time... it's about effort. No, it doesn't take that much to just say thank you, but it feels insincere. There are only so many ways I can phrase it, so many smileys I can add before I feel like I'm repeating myself.
So this is an apology, I suppose, and a general thank you to everyone who I don't reply to individually. Just know that I'm always open to having a conversation, be it through comment, review/reply thread, or PM. If you have a bit of fandom that you'd like to discuss, you can certainly send a message my way!
And yes, I know I've been rather inactive on the fanfiction front lately. I've been quite busy with university work and life in general, and I think it's sapping my ability and motivation to write, be it fanfiction or original. I have to accept that it's less important than drawing and visual art, since that's where my career is headed. But I will do my best to keep at it! Writing is a pastime I would not lose for the world.
'Til next time,
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